Referat von V. Paolino:
Deutsches Krankenhaus Institut: Frühjahrs-Kongress in Berlin
„Kommunikation und effiziente Teamstrukturen in der Pflege als Schlüsselkompetenz“
Referat von V. Paolino:
Deutsches Krankenhaus Institut: Frühjahrs-Kongress in Berlin
„Kommunikation und effiziente Teamstrukturen in der Pflege als Schlüsselkompetenz“
The visit to the Conference strengthened our international ties and made it possible to maintain friendships with leading care scientists and advanced facilities.
Liliane Peverelli takes part this year in the IAHSA Conference in Shanghai. This takes place every 2 years, alternating with the EAHSA Conference. As a long-term member of IAHSA, Vincenzo Paolino held a symposium on „person-centered care and support“. He will be assisted by Rayne Stroebel from South Africa and Mark Erickson from Shanghai. The aim of the symposium is to show how human values are implemented in a sustainable long-term use in different countries and continents. Presented here, among others, are the guiding principles and training methods of the Eden Alternative and their cultural adaptation. More information can be found here.
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